BabyLit?? Storybooks give classics new life for the next generation of early readers.
Ahoy! Come sail the ocean blue with Captain Ahab, Ishmael, Queequeg, and the rest of the crew! The search is on for the great white whale, and the captain wont give up on this voyage until Moby Dick is found. With colorful artwork and quotes from the original text, Herman Melvilles nautical adventure is retold for children in a fun, new way that highlights friendship. This is a book to be treasured throughout childhood and beyond.
BabyLit?? primers have become the chic, smart way to introduce babies to the most beloved and readable literature of our time. Now presenting a delightful collection of hardcover lap books for early readers and their parents. Each book in the BabyLit Storybook series retells a story from literary canon with easy-to-follow text and engaging artwork. These delightful, engaging books are ideal for ages 3 to 7, with their oversized trim and sturdy pages, but will be enjoyed by children and adults alike.